jonah Tony Trombadore jonah Tony Trombadore


You don’t know God like you think you do. What if we have missed the heart of God? What if God is better than we think he is? Jonah is an ancient story that shows how the most committed, most religious, most familiar with God are often the ones that most miss who God actually is. This story will help us discover the heart of God in a new way and show us how this affects us and those around us in new ways.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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deeper-friendship Tony Trombadore deeper-friendship Tony Trombadore

Deeper Friendship

Our friends go through difficulty, doubt, suffering, hurt, and sin. We often struggle to know how to love them, what to do to help them, what to say, and how to be a good friend. Growing in this way is how we get the deeper friendship we long for. What if we could both be and have the kinds of friends that help us walk through the ups and downs of life? This series explores four key practices that will lead us to give and receive wise help so we can experience a deeper friendship.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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deeper-faith Tony Trombadore deeper-faith Tony Trombadore

Deeper Faith

We each have struggles in life. Habits. Suffering. Sins. Wounds. We want to experience freedom, joy, and growth. How can we have a deeper faith in and through the various struggles we face in life? In this series we explore how God is working to grow us, what keeps us from changing, how we change, and what we change to experience a deeper faith and ultimately more joy and freedom.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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something-more Tony Trombadore something-more Tony Trombadore

Ecclesiastes: Something More

Most of us want something more out of life. We want more than just punching the clock, talking about the weather, hanging out in the same place, watching the same shows, going to sleep and then repeating it all over again. We get tired of monotony and the mundane. We long for new adventures, new places, new relationships, new spiritual experiences and yet even when we give ourselves to them still find that we want something more. Pleasure. Feasting. Work. Money. Sex. Status. Wisdom. We try all of them and still want something more.
Join us as we explore the ancient, yet timely book of Ecclesiastes. The author speaks to the daily and life long struggles we all face. He explores doubts, questions, disappointments, and every kind of pleasure to take us on a journey to find the “something more” we all long for.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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money Tony Trombadore money Tony Trombadore


What do you treasure?How you think about money may be an indicator. We all treat money differently. But how does God want us to see it? All throughout the Bible, money is a big topic, especially with Jesus. So when it comes to what we earn and how we give, there’s certainly greater things to consider. Join us as we pursue God’s vision for money and discover how the Gospel reforms our whole perspective on everything we treasure

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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building-a-life Tony Trombadore building-a-life Tony Trombadore

Building a Life

How do we build our life in the right direction? Whether we feel it or not, everything we do influences how to create a meaningful life. Is there a focus to your days, or are you just aimlessly building? What is defining your goals, your time and your pursuits? What are you actually after, and what does success look like? Everything Jesus says really matters in our life and shapes what we are supposed to be doing. For younger people, you are just starting to make decisions about so much, and it sets a crucial trajectory. If you’re older, you may even wonder how to best take stock of the past 20-30 years. This series is designed to help us see how to live, work and play with greater purpose.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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creating-community Tony Trombadore creating-community Tony Trombadore

Creating Community

Since we were little kids we have all wanted to have friends. Good friends. Best friends. As we grow, move to new cities, and get busy lives we find that having the kind of friendships we long for can be hard to come by. But something better is possible. There is a path towards better friendship. How do we get better friendships than we have now? How do we become better friends? Why is friendship so important? What does a good friendship as an adult look like? Throughout history people have given different answers to these questions. One of the most powerful features of Christianity when it began was the way it helped people create a new kind of community. In this series we explore the key practices we need in our journey towards better friendship.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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who-is-jesus Tony Trombadore who-is-jesus Tony Trombadore

John: Who Is Jesus

One of the most important questions anyone can ask is: Who is Jesus? Our current sermon series explores a book in the Bible written by a man named John. John was one of Jesus’ closest friends, the man that Jesus asked to take care of his mom while he was dying. John tells us that he writes this book because he wants us to know who his friend Jesus really is. I hope you can join us as we explore what he has to say.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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upside-down-marriage Tony Trombadore upside-down-marriage Tony Trombadore

Upside Down Marriage

Relationships are complex and yet we are drawn to them. Love is easy to start and hard to maintain. How can love involve so much pain and so much joy? How can we avoid the pitfalls and instead experience what we all hope for? Trust, conflict, communication, sex, dating, friendship, love languages, etc. we’ll talk about all of it and more. In this series we are rediscovering the surprising and often very different wisdom God offers to help us build and practice a life of love.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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stories-of-jesus Tony Trombadore stories-of-jesus Tony Trombadore

Stories of Jesus

Stories have the power to change our lives. They make us love things, fear things, hope for things. Whether in movies, television or from grandpa. Children’s stories teach moral lessons. Stories have the power to change life. Jesus was the greatest storyteller ever and he was famous for telling stories that shocked people, reoriented people, and changed people. Some of the stories Jesus told are still very well known today and some are not so well known. So we will look at the stories of Jesus and see how he wants these stories to shape our story.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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questions Tony Trombadore questions Tony Trombadore


An honest look at some of the most common questions people have about Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity. You may be a Christian with questions, doubts, or just a desire to learn. You may be unsure of what you believe and curious about Jesus. Or maybe you are simply interested in exploring questions of faith. Whoever you are we want to invite you to join us as we look at some of the most common questions we all have and their practical effect on our everyday life.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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1-peter Tony Trombadore 1-peter Tony Trombadore

1 Peter

We will be taking a look at a letter one of Jesus’ closest friends wrote to the church. We will look at the idea of purpose – exploring questions like: Who is the church? What is my calling? What purpose does God have for my life? Who does God want me to be? How can I live with purpose in a world where so many things don’t go the way I want or expect? How do I live a life that really matters? How can my relationships be more purposeful? What purpose does God have for my marriage, my suffering, my job, and everything else.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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gospel Tony Trombadore gospel Tony Trombadore


What is the gospel? The answer to this question has implications that reach into all of our lives. The Gospel changes everything. It changes our relationship with God and our whole worldview. It changes how we go about spiritual growth. It changes how we relate with othersWhat is the gospel? The answer to this question has implications that reach into all of our lives. The Gospel changes everything. It changes our relationship with God and our whole worldview. It changes how we go about spiritual growth. It changes how we relate with others

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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philippians Tony Trombadore philippians Tony Trombadore


Do you wonder what it would be like to be a Christian? Have you been a Christian for a long time and want to continue to see how Jesus changes different pursuits and aspects of your life. This book answers the question: What if Jesus Changes Everything? Suffering, comfort, security, anxiety, work, goals, relationships, change, death, life…all of it. How does Jesus change your life? What if Jesus Changes Everything?

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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relationships Tony Trombadore relationships Tony Trombadore


Everyone one of us have different relationships in our lives – parents, spouses, friends, enemies, bosses, and many more. Some of them we love and some of them we hate. This series focuses on the Bible’s wisdom in living with all the people in your life.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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god-and-life Tony Trombadore god-and-life Tony Trombadore

1 John: God & Life

We may think about life and we may think about God but often it can be difficult to see how God connects to our life. Does God care about the grand scope of your life? What about the details? Why? How? How do God & Life intersect? That’s what we will be exploring together as we go through the book of 1 John.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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