Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

The Ten Commandments: Knowing the Heart and Will of God

The Ten Commandments are the most well-known rules in the world -  the foundation of western civilization and the cornerstone of teaching right from wrong. They’ve been displayed in schools, courthouses, homes, and movies. But, despite their familiarity, we miss their timeless power.  We overlook what we think we know and instead rely on trending opinions, scientific philosophies, and the voice of our hearts.

If we want greater strength and wisdom we urgently need to return to these ancient words written on stone. In this series we’ll go deeper into the world-changing power of the Ten Commandments. These words will guide us through the confusion of our culture, the practical needs of our lives, the difficulty in our relationships, the happiness we desire, and in deeper connection with God. More than just rules, these ten commandments will give us deeper understanding of ourselves, our world, and the heart and will of God. 

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore


Traditionally the Church has celebrated a season called Advent. Advent is derived from a Latin word that means “arrival” or “coming”. The Church remembers and celebrates when Jesus came to this earth and we look forward to when he will come again. As we focus on the expectation and coming of Jesus we will focus on four important words that are promised at the Advent or arrival of Jesus. In Jesus we are promised that love, joy, hope, and peace all arrive. What does this look like and Traditionally the Church has celebrated a season called Advent. Advent is derived from a Latin word that means “arrival” or “coming”. The Church remembers and celebrates when Jesus came to this earth and we look forward to when he will come again. As we focus on the expectation and change our lives now? how can these promises change our lives now?

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

A Field Guide for Living in an Insane World

Everything is crazy. Right is wrong, wrong is right, good is bad, bad is good, wisdom is folly, folly is wisdom. Insanity. It’s easy to get lost, overwhelmed, confused, and changed. Often we are either too fearful or too comfortable. It’s hard to remain distinct, intentional, rooted, and clear on who we are to be and what we are called to do. This is not new. Paul writes 1 Corinthians to help Christians living in an insane world navigate their life and questions, resist cultural pressure, and stay strong in their identity and beliefs. Explore this series with us as we are given a field guide through an insane world.

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Psalms: Songs for the Road

People often say life is a journey. In some sense it is like a road trip. There is a beginning and a far off destination we are trying to get to. But in between there all sorts of highs and lows. Every good road trip needs a soundtrack and the Psalms are the soundtrack God has given to us to give voice to the many twists and turns we experience in life. As we learn to sing along and pray along we will learn to share all of our heart with all of God’s heart in all of life. The Psalms has a song and prayer for every situation we face, helping us connect with God through laments, praise, celebration, confident anthems, and more.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Songs of Advent

A lot of people would agree that one of the best things about the Christmas season is the music. Most of us are with the classics, there are four songs in the Bible that we probably aren't quite as acquainted with. This advent season we are going to focus on the songs recorded in scripture to celebrate this advent season.

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Core Christianity

What do Christians believe and how does it shape our lives? These are the central questions of this series. We are looking at the core, historic Christian beliefs that have united Christians for thousands of years. Whether you are exploring Christianity or looking to deepen in your faith this series will help you see why Christianity has captured hearts and minds and been the most influential force in the world across time and cultures. What makes Christianity distinct from the current popular beliefs? How does Christianity answer the most important questions of life? What makes it uniquely beautiful and powerful? What makes it practically helpful to transform our lives and relationships? Come check it out as we explore Core Christianity together.

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Divided We Stand

In our city and within the church many issues divide us. It is easy to misunderstand and talk past one another. Christians are often confused about how to think, speak, and act on the issues that divide. How can we maintain convictions and love at the same time? How can we engage in our world for good? How do we love those that disagree with us? This series explores current issues while examining how we can stand on God’s word with God’s heart leading us to engage in God’s way.

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Questioning God

As we face the brokenness and difficulty in the world and in our life we often have questions for God: Why, how long, why do you let this happen, when will this end, don’t you care, what are you doing? In this series we will explore how out of our deepest pain, questions, doubt, and confusion can come our strongest faith, contentment, and growth through whatever we face. Explore the book of Habakkuk with us.

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

One Story

Did you know that the Bible tells one continuous story? How is that so, when its different books have been written by several people and over more than a couple of centuries? For six weeks we will jump into the grand narrative of scripture, discover how this is true, and why it is important for our faith. Without knowing and embracing the story God is telling, our lives remain disconnected and purposeless. We are here today and gone tomorrow with no particular meaning to our life. The story of the Bible is God’s story, and we are God’s, therefore we are to own the story He is writing as our own.

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Build: The Book of Ephesians

There is something better. God has a vision for your life. He wants to build something in you and through you. God wants to build you into who you were made to be. He wants to build your faith, your marriage, family, career, mission, and all of your life, into the vision he has. We are all building a life. We can build something weak and thoughtless or we can build a life that is strong, joyful, deep, and meaningful. As we explore the book of Ephesians we will look at what God’s vision is and how we can build toward this life together.

Come check us out for church in Arvada this Sunday.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Advent 2022

The Christmas story is the greatest story ever recorded. As we take a look at the Christmas story during our Advent season this year we will take a look at a few of the people that are a part of this beautiful story God has written and see how God used them and now uses their story to see the big plans God has to use us, how the Gospel is for everyone, and lead us to loving obedience in His will and desires.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Faithful: Book of Daniel

How can we stay faithful as Christians when we live in a culture that doesn’t worship God? How do we maintain courage and conviction? How do we engage with the culture around us? What should our posture and approach be? The book of Daniel was written to offer encouragement, guidance, and strength to God’s people living in these conditions. No matter how difficult things are culturally, politically, or relationally, God speaks to His people and gives us a vision of thriving and faithfulness. This series will help us live with boldness, confidence, and perseverance in the time and place God has placed us.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Titus: Living Good

We want to live a good life. We want to do good with our life. But what does this actually mean? There are many definitions of “good”. It’s hard to live good when there is so much bad around us. And, we often lack the courage, motivation, or ability to see the good we want. In this series, we will explore the book of Titus and answer: What does it mean to live good? How do we live good? How can our life be used for good? How does God show us and lead us into what is good?

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Proverbs: Principles For Living

We are often overwhelmed by information. We want to build our lives in such a way that we experience joy. When it comes to our work, family, marriage, goals, friendships, money, conversations, we want to get it right. But there are a thousand opinions, too many blogs, an expert for everything, politics, agendas, and simply too much information to sift through. It feels like chaos. We need more than just information we need wisdom. Real wisdom. Ancient wisdom. God’s wisdom. This is the wisdom that cuts through it all, makes a practical difference, and shows us how to live well. In this series we explore the book of Proverbs – looking at 9 core principles for living well and living wise.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Relationships: Beyond Basic

There’s a way to move beyond the basic relationships we have. There are strategies and skills that can be developed to navigate through all the confusion, difficulty, and bad advice we face. Life is made of relationships: friendship, marriage, family, etc. Whether they are just starting, in dire need, or just need a boost to get to the next level, all of our relationships can be better than they are now. In this series we will explore how the Bible gives us wisdom to navigate through the development and strengthening of all our relationships.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Rebuild: A Call From Haggai

It is easy to be distracted as we live. Things that are most important fall to the background. Staying focused feels hard. There is a life that God calls us to that we want to enter but apathy, distraction, and questioning if it even matters often pull us away. Only when we actively align ourselves with God and rebuild what has fallen away can we experience all he has for us. This short series explores the prophetic book of Haggai where God calls his people to experience the blessing that happens as they rebuild His temple.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Zephaniah - Return

God wants us to experience the joy of life with him. But, often we wander away. We may have been wandering from God or the church for many years. Or, perhaps, even though visibly engaged, our hearts have wandered from God. God calls us to return to him. This short series explores the prophetic book of Zephaniah where God calls his people to return to him to experience the joy and restoration he wants to give.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

The Life We Want

There are many desires we have for our life. Often, without even knowing it, underneath the surface we are driven by longings for the life we want. We want to know there is a better future in front of us. We want freedom to live an authentic life. We want peace and not to live in anxious fear. We want a connection to something bigger than us. These are just some of the longings we have. And yet often times we find that life doesn’t turn out how we want. Our desires are frustrated or never quite fulfill. In this series we explore some of the core desires we have, why they often don’t turn out how we want, and how ultimate satisfaction is possible through Jesus.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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Tony Trombadore Tony Trombadore

Advent 2021

Traditionally the Church has celebrated a season called Advent. Advent is derived from a Latin word that means “arrival” or “coming”. The Church remembers and celebrates when Jesus came to this earth and we look forward to when he will come again. As we focus on the expectation and coming of Jesus we will focus on four important words that are promised at the Advent or arrival of Jesus. In Jesus we are promised that love, joy, hope, and peace all arrive. What does this look like and how can these promises change our lives now?

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings and find out more.

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