God has a vision for your life. He wants to build your life into something more. God wants to give you a joyful faith, deep relationships, and meaningful engagement in his world. But to build this takes more than knowledge. It takes action; intentionally focusing on 12 key pillars. You need to know where you are, what the picture you are aiming for is, what the plan or key objectives are, and what practices will get you there.

Discipleship With Jesus - Building God’s Vision For Your Life

  • True Jesus

    True Jesus

    Faith in the true and living God in Jesus is the starting point of our discipleship. Everything flows from here. We are invited to know who he is, what he says, and what it means to relate to him. As the New City Catechism says: ”Faith in Jesus Christ is acknowledging the truth of everything that God has revealed in his Word, trusting in him, and also receiving and resting on him alone for salvation as he is offered to us in the gospel.” This means we must develop Biblical conviction, a devotion to God, an engagement with him in all the things of life, and orienting our life around following him. This is what it means to know the True Jesus, to have a joyful faith.

  • True Community

    True Community

    Because of Jesus all of our relationship can be transformed. As we receive and rest in what Jesus has done for us a depth of relationship is possible. This means Marriages are able to experience a covenant modeling the gospel, families are able to live with a focused intentionality, friendship in the church are able to share with one another the various aspects of life, and the Church becomes something we are not casually attending but deeply connected to as Christ’s body. All of this is deeper than we often experience. God intends for our relationship to be so much more than we often settle for. When this happens we become more than we are and help others to do the same.

  • True Purpose

    True Purpose

    Your life matters. God brought you into this world with a purpose. He saved you for a purpose. God invites us to be a part of his plan and mission in the world. We believe that every part of our life is significant when it is following God’s purpose. Your life is not meaningless. It is not meant to just drift along. We can engage in God’s world in ways that bring us deep meaning and truly make a difference. This is why you are here. We have a mission to be a part of, good works to participate in, vocations to excel in, and disciples to make. This is the purpose He has given to us.

True Jesus - Joyful Faith

Biblical Conviction

Biblical Conviction

  • You know what you believe and why you believe it. You hold deep convictions in line with historic, orthodox Christianity.

    1. Are there any areas of doctrine or Christian belief that you are struggling with right now?

    2. Describe your confidence and ability in describing basic issues of the faith (such as the Gospel, Trinity, sin, the deity of Christ, salvation by grace, regeneration, justification, and sanctification) to others?

    1. You can articulate Christian doctrine

    2. Read whole Bible

    3. Have read carefully through a catechism such as Westminster or New City.

    4. Have read a doctrinal book covering the basics of Christian faith

    5. Can identify where in the Bible each main doctrine is found.

    6. Can identify the basics of other worldviews and spot what they are communicating.

    7. Can write out the Gospel in a succinct paragraph.

    1. Take Ligonier test (below)

    2. Get a study Bible

    3. Read Catechism.

    4. Regular reading or study of Christian beliefs and worldview using trusted courses, blogs, podcasts.

    5. Read through Psalms monthly or devotionally yearly

Devotion to God

Devotion to God

  • God wants to grow fruit in us. We must not let Satan, trials, or the pleasures of this world choke out God’s voice. We experience all he wants to do as we hear, with humility, his voice, and fight to hold on to and obey in every area all he says.

  • 1. Am I surrendered to whatever God says?

    2. Do I want to more and more obey or have other things taken over from God’s voice?

    3. What are some things recently God has been convicting you of?

    4. Do you feel you consistently practice repentance?

    5. Are there any unconfessed or habitual sins that you need to repent of?

    6. Is there evident progress in your life of the fruit of the Spirit?

  • 1. I am not being formed by the beliefs and values of the World but rather by God.

    2. I have a commitment to hold to the story, beliefs, and practices of God’s Word.

    3. My heart is surrendered to God.

    4. I am actively seeking to put sin to death and to live the life of God

    5. I am actively growing and repenting.

  • 1. Join a Life Transformation Group

    2. Take a concentrated period of time to work on a particular are of growth in your life using a resource on change

    3. Take annual time to pray through areas of growth and what change looks like and a heart and hands level.

  • Repentance.pdf - Google Drive


    David Powlison: Eight Questions.pdf - Google Drive


    All of Life is Repentance - Tim Keller


    Buy Real Change, Becoming More Like Jesus in Everyday Life Topical Study Guide - 9781948130035 | New Growth Press


Engaging with God

Engaging With God

Focused Living

Focused Living

  • God has given us one life to live. It was Him that decided to give us life and form us. He thought of us, designed us, formed us – with and for a purpose. He has determined the times and places we live. And He call us to live wisely making the most of our short time. He doesn’t want our life to be wasted or to be less than it could. He invites us into an intentional, focused life.

    1. What is the purpose of life?

    2. What would mean for your life to more reflect this statement “The chief end [purpose] of man is to glorify God and enjoy him forever”

    3. How would life be better and different if you knew how to be more intentional?

    4. What is God’s vision for your life specifically?

    1. I understand what the Bible teaches about living intentionally

    2. I have a plan for the core areas of my life

    3. I have a vision for my life and am building towards it in a focused way

    4. I am living focused and organized in my year, week, and days

    1. Read Psalm 90 slowly. Pray through this.

    2. Make an annual life plan

    3. Make an ideal week

    4. Make a weekly plan of your priorities

    5. Use a calendar

    1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WTW6z-6G_08dCQOwg2pt6qmfvQdqOKVK/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=103936324611518142401&rtpof=true&sd=true

    2. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/build-week-14?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fbuild-week-14

    3. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/living-good-week-2?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fliving-good-week-2

    4. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/making-decisions?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fmaking-decisions

    5. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/haggai-focus?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fhaggai-focus

    6. https://truelifearvada.com/series/your-life-matters

    7. https://vimeo.com/93684277

    8. https://vimeo.com/93534356

    9. https://www.amazon.com/Whats-Best-Next-Gospel-Transforms/dp/0310533988

True Community - Deep Relationships

Covenant Marriage

Covenant Marriage

  • God wants us to experience the joy of a covenanted marriage. In marriage we have the opportunity to experience and display the gospel in a unique way. He wants to give marriages filled with passion, intimacy, and commitment. Marriages with love and romance, friendship, endurance, mission, and lived out in his pattern for husbands and wives.

  • 1. Do I know what God says about my role in marriage?

    2. What kind of marriage do I want?

    3. What are the obstacles getting in the way of this vision?

    4. What are the pain points in our marriage?

    5. What are the strengths in our marriage?

    6. What does it mean to lead and love my wife?

    7. What does it mean to submit to and respect my husband?

    8. Does your marriage need help? Are you getting it?

  • 1. I understand God’s calling in my marriage and have clarity around my role and responsibilities

    2. We are regularly celebrating the good in one another

    3. We are growing in love, friendship, fun, and understanding of one another

    4. We are sexually intimate regularly and growing in our joy and service here

    5. We keep short accounts have no unconfessed sin or sinful patterns

    6. We are helping one another move toward God’s vision and holiness

    7. We know the Biblical ways of conflict and practice them

    8. Our marriage has a focused mission and we are living this out

  • 1. We have regular daily conversations about the feelings and facts of our day

    2. We have weekly conversations about where we see God working, appreciating the other person, and talking about our hearts

    3. We have regular (weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) dates where we can have fun together and relate to one another

    4. We have a weekly time to sync up our calendars and tasks

    5. We have regular sexual intimacy

    6. We have an annual time to talk through our previous and upcoming year

    7. We make a regular practice of learning, writing, and implementing ways to love, serve, and bless the other person

  • https://bradhambrick.com/my-favorite-posts-on-marriage/





















Intentional Family

Intentional Family

  • God wants us to experience the joy of a covenanted marriage. In marriage we have the opportunity to experience and display the gospel in a unique way. He wants to give marriages filled with passion, intimacy, and commitment. Marriages with love and romance, friendship, endurance, mission, and lived out in his pattern for husbands and wives.

  • 1. Do I know what God says about my role in marriage?

    2. What kind of marriage do I want?

    3. What are the obstacles getting in the way of this vision?

    4. What are the pain points in our marriage?

    5. What are the strengths in our marriage?

    6. What does it mean to lead and love my wife?

    7. What does it mean to submit to and respect my husband?

    8. Does your marriage need help? Are you getting it?

  • 1. I understand God’s calling in my marriage and have clarity around my role and responsibilities

    2. We are regularly celebrating the good in one another

    3. We are growing in love, friendship, fun, and understanding of one another

    4. We are sexually intimate regularly and growing in our joy and service here

    5. We keep short accounts have no unconfessed sin or sinful patterns

    6. We are helping one another move toward God’s vision and holiness

    7. We know the Biblical ways of conflict and practice them

    8. Our marriage has a focused mission and we are living this out

  • 1. We have regular daily conversations about the feelings and facts of our day

    2. We have weekly conversations about where we see God working, appreciating the other person, and talking about our hearts

    3. We have regular (weekly, bi-weekly, etc.) dates where we can have fun together and relate to one another

    4. We have a weekly time to sync up our calendars and tasks

    5. We have regular sexual intimacy

    6. We have an annual time to talk through our previous and upcoming year

    7. We make a regular practice of learning, writing, and implementing ways to love, serve, and bless the other person

  • https://bradhambrick.com/my-favorite-posts-on-marriage/





















Deep Community

Deep Community

  • God gives us the gift of community. God has always been creating a family and we need this. We need a community centered on him that is sharing who we are (building), what we have (serving), what we do (living), and does this with all kinds of people (including).

    1. Am i loving the people God has put me with?

    2. What is keeping me from deeper community?

    3. How can i grow in this?

    4. Am I giving others access to build me up?

    5. Am I being loving and bold to speak to others regularly?

    1. I am in community with others

    2. I know how and am engaged in building others up

    3. I am able to honestly share my life with others

    4. I know how to engage in healthy conflict

    5. I know and am actively serving others

    6. I know how and am comforting those that are suffering

    7. I am growing in my relational skills

    8. I have 2 friends where I am experiencing this

    9. I am able to understand and be united to those different from me

    10. I am actively engaged in showing hospitality to others

    1. Get in a Community Group

    2. Get in a Life Transformation Group

    3. Study community and incorporate God’s wisdom– because there are so many practices it is hard only list a few core practices.

  • Sermons







    a. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/4-ways-gospel-shape-friendships/

    b. https://www.ccef.org/video/how-do-we-engage-with-people-this-sunday/

    c. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GEWqrasSu2w-52BYlNtigJStoNWN5RC0/view

    d. https://www.truelifedenver.com/series/relationship-skills


    a. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/course/gospel-fluency/#introduction

    b. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/secret-strong-friendships/

    c. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/video/scott-sauls-cultivating-deeper-friendships/

    d. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kLOYsSGGGJRmGRjKtVEiM8Y7OXRdXMar/view

    e. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=994Cjo0kWjI

    f. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-yp-kinFTxvYJUXoB8r65AwwLJf3QHL0/view

    g. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yrs1_6pkkULkkGNWZ567jWGlxbqBdf75/view

    h. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14PPW4_feEZVFFURxNhdSnnuOivgB7CKy/view

    i. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E7so1u41MVj9psMCX3B1ftSHejJOZuCh/view


    a. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HJgtLLAeCoSnp-0fwUb_OnmgKt1nYMKQ/view


    a. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/beware-friendship-idealism/

    b. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Mhl2ZJmgnRkKiqEE2J54ADgqBdXWK2qc/view

    c. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NI3d92WXMIJZtXmTBvmkhb7mLAQF4H1_/view


    a. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/podcasts/lets-talk-podcast/lets-talk-building-friendships-with-people-unlike-yourself/

    b. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oPJCvQ3XS8hQe6dZsvWjBE4tZI2hBBJy/view

    c. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PYYou5ZrS6NbS6koTDv6F0Psw4G_3ygZ/view

Church Connection

Church Connection

True Purpose - Meaningful Engagement

Mission Living

Missional Living

  • God gives us a purpose. God wants to bring light into a dark world and we are his strategy. He calls us to himself and then commissions us to represent him. We participate by being present among those that don’t know him, proclaiming who he is to others, and in our practice of holiness. This means to both abstain from values and practices that are not from God. And to devote ourselves to good.

    1. Who can I build relationships with that don’t know Jesus or are disconnected from his Church?

    2. Do I know how to share the gospel with someone? What would I say? When was the last time you shared the gospel with someone who was not a Christian?

    3. Where am I not living as an exile but am blending in?

    4. Do I have grace and humility when living among and speaking with those that are not Christians?

    1. I have developed relationships with people that don’t know Jesus

    2. I am increasingly getting to know their stories, beliefs, pain, and desires.

    3. I am actively thinking through the next steps of my involvement with them and how God might use me – giving resources, inviting to church, bringing to a community group gathering, meeting with them, etc.

    4. I am able to be in the world but not of the world – engaging with others but remaining distinctly Christian in word and practice.

    1. Write down the names of two people who are not Christians that you are praying for. Pray for them weekly. Pray that they would come to know Jesus and that he would give you opportunity to speak about Jesus.

    2. Write down what steps it would take for these people to come to know Jesus or be connected to the church. What would have to happen? Commit to pursuing these action prayerfully.

    3. Regularly invite these people into your Christian community. This can be on Sundays or various events, parties, teams, etc.

    1. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/build-week-13?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fbuild-week-13

    2. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/living-good-week-3?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fliving-good-week-3

    3. Hospitality: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oPJCvQ3XS8hQe6dZsvWjBE4tZI2hBBJy/view

    4. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/course/evangelism-skeptical-world/#introduction

    5. TGC Course | Mission at Work https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/course/mission-at-work/#dignity

    6. Tony Merida: Don't Overcomplicate Evangelism.pdf - Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rugmYWaFcogoVg0gRnl03NjoyVQ11cYP/view

    7. https://truelifearvada.com/series/your-life-matters

    8. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/living-with-purpose?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fliving-with-purpose

Zealous Good

Zealous Good

  • God wants to give you a fruitful life. He wants to give you a life that knows his goodness and shows his goodness to others. A life where you are actively brining good to those around you. He wants your alive, your mind prepared, and our hands strengthened. He want to give you a deep focus, meaning, and joy in being engaged in joining him in his work.

  • 1. What are the good works in front of me I have ignored?

    2. What is keeping me from good works?

    3. What good works am I engaged in right now?

    4. What good works does God want me to be devoted to?

  • 1. I have offered my life to God for good works and embraced this purpose

    2. I know where I am best at serving

    3. I am passionate about particular good works

    4. I can list the good works I am engaged in

    5. At least 10% of my money is used for ministry in the church and above and beyond to other places.

  • 1. Serve in the church

    2. Give generously

    3. Serve in the community

    4. Ask others where you are most gifted at serving

    5. Reflect on: what needs you are most burdened by, what gifts you are most equipped in, what opportunity is present before you

    7. Ask for his help and strength for the works you are currently engaged in

    8. Pick a few examples of a life that has the good works you want. Study. Ask them questions.

  • Podcast






Excellent Work

Excellent Work

  • God gives us our work as a way to participate in his work in the world. When we do good work we are partnering with God’s work. Our careers should be neither an idolatrous pursuit nor a necessary evil. We want to work with all of our hearts as we are working for the Lord. This means our hearts, performance, ethics, relationships, and rewards are all changed to be oriented around Him.

    1. What is the best place for me to work taking into account my God given abilities, opportunities, desires, and the needs around me?

    2. How does my work connect to God’s work?

    3. What makes the way I do my work distinctly Christian? How could I consciously integrate my faith more with my work?

    4. If I was consciously working for Jesus with all my heart how would that effect my heart in my job? The way I do my job? How I relate to my boss, coworkers, and employees? How I think about what is right and wrong? How I think about being recognized?

    5. If I am retired what is God’s vision for my retirement?

    1. I understand the Biblical view on work; I can articulate this.

    2. I have chosen my work based on Biblical principles

    3. My work is worship. It can truly be said that I am working with all my heart as for Jesus. My faith is not separate from my work; it is integrated in every aspect.

    4. I am able to help other Christians in similar vocations understand how to continue to connect their work to God’s work

    1. Read and study the Biblical view of work

    2. Read and study how faith can be integrated with your particular work

    3. Talk with mature Christians who are in a similar field as you and ask them about how they are integrating the things you are learning.

    4. Review your job description or write out your core work responsibilities and think through what it means to work distinctly Christian in each of these.

    1. https://soundcloud.com/true-life-53521884/build-week-18?utm_source=clipboard&utm_campaign=wtshare&utm_medium=widget&utm_content=https%253A%252F%252Fsoundcloud.com%252Ftrue-life-53521884%252Fbuild-week-18

    2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11bt0kBMX0le1dE6ZoWtBsggfzgOeOQSU/view?usp=drive_link

    3. https://truelifearvada.com/series/work

    4. https://timothykeller.com/books/every-good-endeavor

    5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIXQ9bHyffA&ab_channel=TheGospelatWork

    6. TGC Courses | Faith & Work https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/course/faith-and-work/

    7. TGC Course | Career Planning and Discernment https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/course/career-planning-and-discernment/

    8. The Unwasted Life - Recommended Resources | Desiring God https://www.desiringgod.org/topics/the-unwasted-life

    9. Don’t Waste Your Retirement https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/dont-waste-your-retirement/

Making Disciples

Making Disciples

  • God wants your life to be invested into other people. He wants what he done for you to come from you, what he has done to you to come through you. He wants your life to invest into others. He wants you to be able to experience the joy of a line of people you have been able to help experience his work in their life

  • 1. How am I making disciples?

    2. Who are the disciples I have made?

    3. Is there someone I need to talk with to encourage towards what God has for them?

    4. How can I make this a more regular part of my life, not just a program?

  • 1. I can identify disciples I have made

    2. I understand a basic process for making disciples that is a lifestyle not a program

    3. I am actively engaged in making disciples

  • 1. Think of specific people and ask - “how can i provoke them towards love and good deeds?”

    2. I am regularly praying for others and their growth towards Christlikeness

    3. Join a Life Transformation Group

  • Resources for One-Anothering the Word


    Friendship Counseling, Part 1-3.pdf - Google Drive


    Sam Crabtree - Practicing Affirmation - October 2014 - YouTube


    TGC Course | Gospel Fluency


    Ed Welch: How to Talk with Someone about Sin.pdf - Google Drive
